Once again I am running low on things to blog about. I'm pretty sure no one wants to hear me ramble on about nothing. But here's the updates:
* There is a team meeting I am attending on Saturday. If it does include riding then I will try to participate in that. The weather has been kind of crummy here so I really haven't spent much time outdoors. I have been utilizing my trainer and attempting the rollers.
* Some more people are coming over to look at our house this weekend. I did find out that we may move sooner because my parents are worried about selling the house. If they get an offer we're outta here. This is a plus and a negative.
* The Yankees look horrible. I was seriously annoyed that Gary Sheffield hit a homer. I strongly dislike him.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Tigers vs. Yankees
This should be fun to watch. Former Yankee and geriatric lefty Kenny Rogers vs. a struggling 21 year old Phil Hughes. Hmmm...Phil Hughes wasn't even born when Kenny Rogers started his career. I'm betting on a 7 hour game with 52 runs scored.
I came home today from school and found strangers in my house. That is a very strange feeling. Not only were they roaming the house like wild buffalo, their son was in my room! Can I help you? He was commenting on my PlayStation 3 and my signed baseballs. I don't have gold bullion in my room but there is some valuable memorabilia. AND MY BIKE!!! He must not like cycling because he didn't even mention the fact that my bike was sitting in front of my closet. The best part is that my parents weren't even home. Apparently the real estate agent has a key and was showing this couple and their 11 year old son the grand tour. Thankfully my clothes were put away.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
New Nickname
Practice actually went well today. I told my coach about my arm and he was cool with it. I took batting practice and felt fine. It looks as if I will be spliting time at first base with Dan. Ha ha! We got fitted for our uniforms and I made sure to request #24.
I was given a new nickname by my teammates. I didn't realize I was decked out in full Under Armour gear today. Socks, cleets, and base layer. It didn't take long for everyone to notice and they started calling me Mr. Under Armour. Great! Just what I need.
I was given a new nickname by my teammates. I didn't realize I was decked out in full Under Armour gear today. Socks, cleets, and base layer. It didn't take long for everyone to notice and they started calling me Mr. Under Armour. Great! Just what I need.

Thursday, April 24, 2008
House Guests
There are people coming tomorrow afternoon to look at our house. I guess I should pick up my dirty laundry huh?!
Questionable Friday
Two things are happening tomorrow:
1: My third speech for English class is to be presented by yours truly. I'm dreading this topic (Global Warming). Someone's bound to fall asleep on me I know it.
2: My first day of practice for baseball. Am I immediately placed on the disabled list? Is there a DL in high school baseball? The bad thing is I didn't even tell my coach I'm getting my shoulder surgically repaired. I can probably play 1st base and bat, but pitching and any fielding position requiring massive throwing is not an option. Too bad there is no DH in high school baseball. The team will be carrying two other pitchers besides myself. Reality is starting to settle in and I'm not liking it.
1: My third speech for English class is to be presented by yours truly. I'm dreading this topic (Global Warming). Someone's bound to fall asleep on me I know it.
2: My first day of practice for baseball. Am I immediately placed on the disabled list? Is there a DL in high school baseball? The bad thing is I didn't even tell my coach I'm getting my shoulder surgically repaired. I can probably play 1st base and bat, but pitching and any fielding position requiring massive throwing is not an option. Too bad there is no DH in high school baseball. The team will be carrying two other pitchers besides myself. Reality is starting to settle in and I'm not liking it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Nothing New
I really don't have anything to blog about. I've been diligently working on my next speech which is due Friday. I went out riding after school with two others for about an hour. Really just a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood, nothing intense. I got what I like to call the "pedestrian staredown" when I was riding. Basically it's the "look what he's wearing" look. Give me a break! While I was on the bus this morning I saw two guys duking it out on a local road. I think they may have been East End riders because I recognized the colors.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
So So Week
Well I received a second opinion on my shoulder and I pretty much have no choice but to accept surgery as my only alternative. I was told again I have a pretty bad tear. The good thing about surgery is that recovery time is not as bad as I originally was told. So I can pretty much be swinging my arm within a month. That means the cycling season and playing on my school's baseball team in not totally lost. Awesome!
I went to the introduction to cycling class Wednesday night in the city. Since my bike did not need to accompany me, we took the train and transferred to the subway. I am now complete in experiencing all of New York's facets. I don't know how all those commuters don't get lost in that maze of subway trains. Anyhow, the class was pretty informative for someone just starting out and I got a lot out of it. The instructor/coach was really nice and I look forward to working with her. I did get to meet another junior named Ian who was pretty cool.
I went to the introduction to cycling class Wednesday night in the city. Since my bike did not need to accompany me, we took the train and transferred to the subway. I am now complete in experiencing all of New York's facets. I don't know how all those commuters don't get lost in that maze of subway trains. Anyhow, the class was pretty informative for someone just starting out and I got a lot out of it. The instructor/coach was really nice and I look forward to working with her. I did get to meet another junior named Ian who was pretty cool.
Friday, April 18, 2008
"Where Have You Been?"
This seems to be the most commonly asked question I've heard lately. I have received two phone calls and several emails regarding my absence. I'm still here. I've been really busy this week and haven't had much of a chance to blog. I had no idea that there were so many people who read my blog. I'm going out to dinner with my friend Dan and his parents so I'll be sure to write later what happened this week. Some good some bad.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Late Posting
I've been blogging late the last few days. Too much schoolwork. The weather has been awesome lately, and it's only getting better. Thursday is supposed to be in the 70's. I've got a ride tomorrow night to go to the coaching session at 7:30. I'm looking forward to that. I'm getting a second opinion on my shoulder this Friday. I'm going insane not being able to ride for long periods of time. Words really can't explain how lousy I'm feeling by missing all of these races. To top my misery off, baseball starts in two weeks and I probably won't be able to play. But on a positive note, my dad came back today from two days of meetings in Detroit. An offer was made and now my parents have to think about it. Well....maybe not as my mom was on the phone with a realtor to start getting the house ready for a sale. :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Something Funny
What is it with girls and bees? A bee flew into my Earth Science class today and the entire female population got up and started screaming. One girl even left the room. I've noticed this on more than one occasion and don't understand what the big deal is. It's a bee, leave it alone and it will leave you alone. I need to start bringing a camcorder to class.
Too Much Schoolwork
I've been brainstorming topics to choose for my speech on Friday and can't seem to come up with anything. Somebody mentioned global warming but I really don't want to do it on that. Time for more brainstorming. From the time I got home today up until dinner (steak and mashed potatoes in case you were wondering), I was doing homework. I hate spending my free time doing homework.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
My dad is regretting paying for Fox Sports Net. We watched the so-called "Tigers" get completely obliterated this afternoon. Never mind horrendous pitching, this team's lineup should match that of the New York Yankees or the Boston Red Sox. They should change their name to the Detroit Kittens.
More Stupidity
My cousin keeps sending me links for stupid youtube videos. This one actually caught me when I was in a stupid mood and I was pretty much laughing at anything.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Progressing Nicely
Things are looking pretty good for my dad. He's going back to Detroit on Monday for more meetings. It is really looking like he's going to take the job. On a side note, I got a haircut this morning and the barber completely messed up my hair. I look like I'm wearing a hairpiece. Come on now, how hard is it to use a buzzer?!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Good Riding
It was 72 today and man was I itching to go for a ride when I was in school today. When I came home, I didn't even hit the john. I quickly changed and myself and Chris went out riding. I wanted to see how long I could ride before the pain of my shoulder set in. Today was pretty good, probably because I've been laying off the arm. I am somewhat ambidextrous for those who don't know, so I've been doing everything with my left arm. We had a little problem on one of the side streets not far from my house. Apparently the road crew was repairing potholes and left behind some extra "filler" for us to ride through. Not exactly the smoothest of surfaces to be riding on but I got a kick out of the slalom effect we were putting to use. All in all I felt ok and believe if I continue to take it easy I won't have to opt for surgery just yet. I just downed a whole row of tagalongs (girl scout cookies) so I'm feeling kind of lousy but man they're good!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Coaching Session
There's a coaching class next Wednesday night I'm thinking about going to. It's at 7:30 so hopefully someone wil be able to take me. Since I can't ride for long periods of time, I'll at least give the brain a workout from the coaches. It's going to be 70 tomorrow and I pretty much don't care if my arm falls off, I'm riding tomorrow.
XP or Vista?
My "new" computer currently has Windows XP as the operating system. My dad's is running Vista. I like the interface a little better on Vista but have heard people complaining that Vista has given them problems. What is everyone using and which do you think is better?
Monday, April 7, 2008
Public Speaking Part III
It's time for another speech. I have completely no idea what to do it on this time. I've talked about cycling and I've discussed steroids in sports. I'm under the impression my class is tired of hearing about sports. Time to brainstorm.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
A Good Trip
I had fun this weekend but it went by too fast. I caught up with a bunch of my old friends and some of my family too. There's nothing like a family gathering at California Pizza Kitchen. This is like the only place everybody enjoys. My dad's business meetings went really well and he's very optimistic this will turn into something big for him/us. While I was hanging out at a friends house my parents went looking at houses. They found a couple of places that caught their interest, but I don't think any that they really really liked. They are definitely looking to move back to Ann Arbor though which would be awesome. It looks like June/July is when we'll make the move. Deja vu. I'm a little torn though, I must admit, I will miss some of the friends I've made here in New York. It's nice to finally be able to post on my blog whenever I want.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I'm Still Alive!
I have internet now! I will not be going to school tomorrow as all three of us have a 9:50 AM flight tomorrow. I will be back Sunday night sometime so I most likely won't be posting on my blog for the next few days. The fact that my mom is going means I don't have to hang around my dad when he's doing his BRT's (business related things). This also means I can do more things this weekend. Hopefully the weather will be nice in Ann Arbor. I wish I could bring my bike, but we're only taking carry-ons. Have a nice weekend everyone!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Quick Post
I should have an internet connection by Friday. My dad was hogging the machine all day. Nothing really new to post about. Yankee game on in an hour. Gotta run!
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