
Saturday, June 18, 2011


So a few years ago I had shoulder surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder. I felt fine for most of that summer but come the winter of 2008, something was awry. The pain I was experiencing was back, albeit in a slightly lower intensity. Over the last two years it has progressed into a really annoying and stabbing pain depending on which way I lift my arm. The surgery was performed when i was living in New York. I moved back to Michigan so there was no way to return to that doctor. So, last month I decided it was time to get it checked out again. Turns out that the rotator cuff was torn again and there was also some damage to the labrum. I needed surgery again. On May 27th I once again had arthrosopic surgery to repair my dilapidated arm. The culprit...a bone spur that needed to be shaved down. The spur was causing all of the damage to the neighboring joints. Recovery has not been pleasant so far. I've had four sessions of physical therapy so far and am progressing nicely but the pain from the scar tissue can really be intense. I guess I wont be asked to join the Yankees rotation anytime soon.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm baaaaaack

I can't believe I haven't made a post on here since 2009. To be honest, I have almost completely forgotten about my blog. It wasn't until a recent conversation with my cousin that I was reminded that I once shared my thoughts and experiences with cyberspace. "Why dont you blog anymore?" Huh??? Oh yeah good question. Truth is I didn't have an answer. So without making excuses or offering reasons that might or might not be true, I will march forward ignoring the year and a half gap between posts. I looked back at some of my past posts with fond memories and some with devastating embarrassment. I even felt like deleting some of them but what's the point. Life is about to change very drastically for myself within the next few months. This will be a great outlet for me. It has been suggested that I should return my blog back to it's original purpose....cycling. It's June and I haven't ridden my bike yet this year. Thats a post all to itself. Since it's midnight and I'm seeing double, I'll continue tomorrow. Hope everyone out there is enjoying their summer and is doing well.
