
Thursday, July 10, 2008

I've Been Tagged

It's time for me to divulge information about myself that not many people may know. For those not familiar with it, when you're tagged you have to share six things about yourself that are not common knowledge. It's very popular on YouTube, but in this instance I've been tagged by James Anderson on his blog. So here it goes:

1. I have three nicknames: dganger, doppleganger, and yes Mr. Under Armour. The nickname doppleganger was coined by my uncle Mike when I was 10. He thinks I have a split personality because I can be very competitive when playing sports as I appear to be two different people.

2. I grew up in northern Ann Arbor and moved to Long Island last July. I am returning to Ann Arbor permanently within the next month. Watch out all you Michigan motorists!

3. I play three instruments: piano, guitar, and the trumpet (only in school).

4. I am ambidextrous. (comes in handy when playing baseball and the piano)

5. I have a strong love for Italian food. I have been known to eat pasta at 8 am.

6. I have been banned from using the washer and dryer. LOL!

I have to keep the chain going, so it's my turn to tag people. Here are my picks:

Danny Williams
Jason Silverman
Chris Murphy
Ryan Manfre
Kyle Gallagher
Jen Fowler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How am I supposed to answer your tag?